In the heart of Ireland – A First Indian Grocery Mobile App

We were tasked to lift the newly launched frozen food convenience brand off the ground by building their website and the mobile app – a revolutionary core platform for their sales, drive awareness, engagement, build a community and most importantly drive product sales for the 1st retail store for a 100+ year old distributor with zero retail experience.

Logo Design
The clients represented a startup based on the idea of a mobile app in mind. The task set for a logo was to create something which feels modern and family-friendly and signals on shopping instinct. General task on branding design solutions was to get a fun and fresh look for a brand with the use of the color green, variations on the relationship between typography and the online shopping graphic element was required by the client as the primary logo theme. They wanted to visually drive brand awareness and curiosity amongst customers during the start of the pandemic.

Web Design & Development
After logo designing, we wanted to give our Web snapshots users the ease of interface on the website, at the same time not overwhelm them with the animations. That’s why we choose a simple end to end design and minimalistic effect theme for the website.
Web Design & Development
After logo designing, we wanted to give our Web snapshots users the ease of interface on the website, at the same time not overwhelm them with the animations. That’s why we choose a simple end to end design and minimalistic effect theme for the website.

Replatforming To Mobile App
As part of our development we streamlined and developed a US allowing users to shop in-app on the go. Simple user onboarding/registration process, access to important features – Push Notification, Dashboard, SMS notification integration, location tracking, order status updates, analytics of sales, etc. This helped reduced friction points in process and delivery with ease of access to real-time delivery status. A plethora of solutions with just one development.

Social Media Management
We put together social media campaigns with creative visual graphics to drive brand awareness, discount product posts via organic marketing on various local groups and pages.
Social Media Management
We put together social media campaigns with creative visual graphics to drive brand awareness, discount product posts via organic marketing on various local groups and pages.

Paid Advertising
We undertook paid advertising budget from the client to achieve certain reach in a certain monthly budget to maximize sales on disciunts and offers. We targeted specific audiences and towns where we were confident the ad would deliver with good results in a limited budget.
Results of a recent 6 Day Ad Campaign
- 8107 Reach in 6 Days
- Total Impressions – 12694
- Amount Spent EUR 5.61
- EUR 0.6 cost per result
Measured Results We’re Proud Of
- 15X increase in totality in a span of two years
- 33% saving in ad costs (compared to print marketing)
- Efficiency and effectiveness of ad spend
- Significant increase in customers and app user
- Social Media popular largest Online Indian Retailer Brand
- 100% Good Reviews Rate on App Store and Play Store